Are You Covered?

Since the Covid Pandemic, a lot has changed for many people. Many have completely changed how they live their lives, whether it is staying at home to work or changing where and how your children receive their education. Healthcare has been changing too. There are new options available that developed over the pandemic. But all of this change can be confusing and you may need someone to help you navigate this post-Covid healthcare world.

Do not let your health insurance or Medicare be one of those things that you let go because things may be different from before. If you have just turned 65, you have a window of opportunity to enroll in Medicare. This window includes the three (3) months before your birth month, your birth month, and three (3) months after your birth month.

Have you lost your job, are you moving, having a baby, getting married, losing your current health insurance? These are all possibilities which open Special Enrollment periods for health insurance. However, they are only for 60 days once your current health insurance ends. Do not let that time lapse.

Are you self-employed and have no idea what to do for health insurance? You have options for individual or family coverage.

The independent agents at Harris Insurance Agency can help guide you through all of these times and help you find the best plan to fit your needs.

If you have any questions related to any of the above or any other questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We would also be happy to take a look at your current policy and complete a review at any time. Please give us a call at 937-387-6672. Or fill out our Form to Request a Free Consultation here.

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